Glass City Blog
Glass City Pipes Guide to Percolator Bongs
Posted by Thomas Young on

What is a Percolator? Percolators make your bong smoke smoother, cooler, and cleaner. Also known as “percs,” percolators are glass filtration systems that are either built in or added on to a bong. The extra diffusion helps reduce irritants and the temperature of the smoke, making for a superior smoking experience overall. In short: the more bubbles, the better. Percolator bongs come in all shapes and sizes. Here’s a quick rundown of a handful of bong percolator types: Tree Percolator Tree percs resemble just that—a tree. Smoke comes up through the “trunk” of that tree (i.e. the main central tube)...
Why Buy American Made Bongs versus International Imports
Posted by Thomas Young on

American vs. Chinese Made Bongs and Other Glass American made bongs or Chinese made counterparts? This is a common questions that a lot of customers, both new and old ask. The main reason people as this questions is pricing, imported Chinese or Indian made glass bongs tend to be much cheaper that the American made glass pipes. The tradeoff that you typically see is a much lower level of quality within Chinese made glass water pipes. You can find many arguments on the Internet discussing the difference between American made and Chinese made glass. As mentioned above, pricing is the easiest to notice...
The Biggest Advantages to Using a Bong
Posted by Thomas Young on

So obviously here at Glass City Pipes, we are a little biased as we both love and sell glass water pipes :p, but below are some of the biggest advantages that we've found while using Bongs and other types of Glass Water Pipes. Now don't get us wrong, we love a good paper sesh, but all the benfits and community aspects of using a bong can not be understated. Remember, if you want to checkout out current selection of in stock bongs, you can do there here. 1. A bong can cool and filter smoke to give you a smoother smoke...
Opening Up A Marijuana Business in NJ
Posted by Thomas Young on

Legal Marijuana in New Jersey On November 3, 2020, New Jersey voted to legalize recreational use marijuana for adults over the age of 21. The vote was passed with overwhelming approval with 67% voting Yes. From this point it was up to lawmakers to put into effect a framework to establish laws around the Recreation Marijuana system. In April 2021, the official rules and framework was announced. Between the date of approval and release, the New Jersey Cannabis Regulatory Commission (NJCRC) had been taking public testimony on proposed rules, with advocates pushing for equity and inclusivity, and industry stakeholders pushing...
Different Types of Hand Pipes
Posted by Danielle Duran on

Different Types of Hand Pipes Hand pipes are not all made the same. To the untrained or new to smoking, it can get a bit confusing, especially with all the features and materials used in making a pipe. Before digging deep into the kind of pipes by feature, shape, or size; let’s consider the materials. Glass hand pipes are still the most popular, hands down. But you might come across wooden and metal ones too. And because of curiosity and just to experience something new, you could consider purchasing these other types as well. Wood Hand Pipes Wood pipes are...