Vaporizers, also known as "vapes," are considered by many to be a healthy alternative to traditional smoking methods. Vapes use convection or conduction (and in some cases a combination of both) technology to "vaporize" your materials rather than relying on combustion, which creates smoke. Even the most natural rolling papers and cigar wraps add more materials to your herbs and tobacco smoke than you might desire.
Vaporization, on the other hand, allows you to inhale pure vapor from herbs or oils to achieve the maximum effect. Vaporizers prevent combustion from occurring, which releases toxic components as a byproduct. Instead, vaporization converts the contents of dry herbs into the gas phase without generating unwanted byproducts.
Our products include dry-herb, wax, and liquid portable vaporizers. Additionally, several of these products are multi-use vaporizers, so you only have to by one to satisfy all your vaping needs!
If you want to check out some of the coolest vapes on the market, come see our Yocan Vape collection.